
Zabbix Box

Zabbix Network Monitoring
tackle performance and incidents in your network, OSIgate preinstalled Zabbix Server solution

 Network Performance

  • Network bandwidth usage
  • Packet loss rate
  • Interface error rate
  • High CPU or memory utilization
  • Abnomaly high connections detection
  • Aggregate throughput of core routers is low
  • DDoS detection and alert


  • Link is down
  • System status is in warning/critical state
  • Device temperature is too high / too low
  • Power supply is in critical state
  • Free disk space is low
  • Fan is in critical state
  • No SNMP data collection

Intrusion Prevention System

  • New device added or removed
  • Network module is added, removed or replaced
  • Firmware has been upgraded
  • Device serial number has changed
  • Interface has changed to lower speed or half-duplex mode

Key features and benefits

Metric collection

Various metric collection methods and protocols


Flexible and extendable data gathering

  • Calculated and aggregated metrics. For example: sum of traffic between two ports on a network switch.
  • Preprocess collected data. For example: use regexp to extract some specific metric from legacy device.


  • Start to monitor all metrics instantly by using out-of-the-box templates
  • Clone and mass-update thousands of similar network devices using device configuration templates
Problem detection

Flexible problem definition

  • Create complex logical expressions regarding monitored statistics of network devices
  • Avoid false positives by defining hysteresis

Problem dependencies

  • Define multi-level dependencies between related network nodes. Detect root cause failures.

Proactive network monitoring

  • Predict network downtimes
  • Predict trends of bandwidth usage
  • Detect anomalies in network load

Problem severity levels

  • Define trigger severity levels to help concentrate on most important problems in case of multiple network issues.


Flexible notifications

  • Multiple delivery methods: email, sms, jabber, custom scripts or messenger
  • Customize message content based on recipient and escalation history

Event correlation

Decrease notification noise with event correlation


  • Run remote scripts on monitored device. You can restart remote switch, or reset/reconfigure network interface.
  • Run remote commands even behind firewalls

Customized escalation scenarios

  • Build flexible escalation scenarios
  • Escalate to user groups

Zabbix API


Integration with 3rd party software

  • Helpdesks, ticketing systems (2-way integration)
  • Configuration management systems
  • Messengers, mobile applications
  • Inventory systems

Task automation

  • Use API to automate configuration management
  • Build remediation scripts
  • Retrieve monitoring data
  • Generate custom reports

Distributed monitoring


Unlimited scalability

  • Scale by offloading Zabbix server using Zabbix proxy
  • Zabbix has no limits or hidden restrictions. Whatever the network size is.

Security and authentication

  • Encrypt all monitoring traffic between Zabbix and your network devices
  • Use LDAP authentication and flexible user permissions

Optimized for high performance

  • Code efficiency, loadable modules...
  • Data caching...


High Availability

  • Use Zabbix proxy to collect monitoring data in case of network issues
  • Build redundant monitoring solution using Zabbix components. See example.

Project for China IDC : the centralized pfsense monitoring and traffic graph

Centralized pfsense monitor

Zabbix Server box (ready to use) : pfsense, email server, windows server, antispam server, linux server monitoring